Counterfeit Opioid Poisonings Spread To Bay Area
Vomiting, breathing problems, lethargy, unconsciousness result from pirate pills laced with fentanyl.
La tasa de gonorrea se dispara en California
Nuevos datos del estado muestran que la tasa de gonorrea está disparándose, pero esto podria explicarse en parte por (una) mejor prueba, que está registrando casos que antes no hubieran sido detectados.
Gonorrhea Rate Has Shot Up In California
Public health experts don’t know if the rise of the sexually transmitted disease is a result of riskier behavior, or because better screening is detecting more cases than in the past.
Most Doctors Unsure How to Discuss End-of-Life Care, Survey Says
They recognize the responsibility, but some may need training.
Long-Term Care Insurance: Less Bang, More Buck
Seniors slammed with big premium increases face tough choices.
New Study Highlights Huge Diabetes Risk in California
UCLA researchers found that nearly half of adults in California have undiagnosed diabetes or elevated blood sugar that often leads to the disease.
Ballot Proposal To Notify Parents For Under-18 Abortions Falls Short Of Signatures
“It died on the vine,” says petition contractor.
State Attorney General Says Health Care Lags In Computer Security
It’s a problem in all industries, but recent hospital hack attacks spotlight the vulnerabilities in medicine.
Levels Of Flame Retardant In Breast Milk Are Down
California phaseout of PBDE chemicals a decade ago gets the credit.
With Donated Drugs, San Jose Pharmacy Dispenses Free Medications
Once bound for the hazardous waste incinerator, surplus pharmaceuticals are directed to people who find it hard to pay for prescriptions.