After COVID-19: Doctors Ponder Best Advice As Patients Recover From Coronavirus
Doctors are making decisions about a patient’s recovery with an incomplete understanding of the disease caused by the coronavirus. Although federal officials have issued general guidelines, physicians said they can’t offer recovered patients who aren’t retested any guarantees about whether they could transmit the virus.
Consejos médicos para los pacientes que se recuperan de COVID-19
Como en tantos otros aspectos de este nuevo coronavirus, determinar cuándo un paciente se ha recuperado sigue siendo terreno incierto. Hay directrices, pero la información sobre la enfermedad es limitada.
Hoping That Insurance Expansion Will Help Tamp Outbreak, 9 States Reopen Marketplaces
The states are allowing new enrollments this month to help ease consumers’ concerns about the cost of health care so that the sick will not be deterred from seeking medical attention and inadvertently spread the virus.
Nueve estados reabren mercados de seguros de salud, para ayudar a frenar a COVID-19
Buscan calmar las preocupaciones y para que las personas que se sienten enfermas no dejen de ir al médico por los costos, y terminen propagando el virus sin darse cuenta.
Ships, Planes, Trains, Scooters All Need A Virus Wipe. But What Does A ‘Deep Clean’ Mean?
There is no universal protocol for a “deep clean” in trying to eradicate the novel coronavirus. Industries are tailoring sanitation efforts in accordance with what makes sense for them.
Former Federal Virus Hunter Says U.S. Needs To Act Before New Germs ‘Kick Your Door In’
In an interview, Dennis Carroll, who until last fall headed up the emerging threats unit at USAID, spoke about the threat of more germs, like the novel coronavirus, appearing and whether the world is prepared for this pandemic.
Ex cazador de virus federal dice que no hay que esperar que el gérmen toque a la puerta
El proyecto para descubrir virus zoonóticos creció bajo los presidentes George W. Bush y Barack Obama, pero la administración Trump optó por cerrarlo.
On Front Lines, First Responders Brace For Coronavirus ― And Their Own Protection
Emergency medical technicians, ambulance crews and some firefighters are facing new threats from the coronavirus, which could put their normal contingency plans to the test.
En la línea de batalla, socorristas se preparan para el coronavirus, y para protegerse
En Seattle, al jueves 5 de marzo, 27 bomberos y tres policías estaban en cuarentena. Doce mostraban síntomas parecidos a la gripe. A otros dos los sacaron del aislamiento.
Para combatir el COVID-19, usan drogas contra el VIH, la malaria y el Ébola
Cuando surge un nuevo virus y pone en peligro a un gran número de personas, los científicos a veces recurren a medicamentos ya existentes que pueden readaptarse.