Attendance Plummets at LA Covid Vaccination Events
Across Los Angeles County, few people are showing up at covid vaccination drives even though nearly 2 million residents remain unvaccinated.
Se desploma la asistencia a eventos de vacunación contra covid en Los Ángeles
A medida que las infecciones por covid han ido disminuyendo, también lo ha hecho el interés en las vacunas, a pesar de que estas dosis son altamente efectivas para evitar enfermarse de gravedad y morir a causa del virus.
Médicos voluntarios comparten información sobre las vacunas de covid con detenidos de ICE
Los detenidos dicen que confían en ellos. Doctores hablan por teléfono con personas en centros del ICE y ofrecen información confiable sobre las vacunas.
Sharing Covid Vax Facts Inside ICE Detention, One Detainee at a Time
Thousands of ICE detainees nationwide have tested positive for covid; 11 have died. Medical providers in California are volunteering to educate immigrants awaiting trial or deportation about covid treatment and vaccination.
An $80,000 Tab for Newborns Lays Out a Loophole in the New Law to Curb Surprise Bills
The insurance company said that the birth of the Bull family’s twins was not an emergency and that NICU care was “not medically necessary.” The family’s experience with a huge bill sent to collections happened in 2020, but it exposes a hole in the new No Surprises law that took effect Jan. 1.
Exits by Black and Hispanic Teachers Pose a New Threat to Covid-Era Education
Schools that serve poor and disadvantaged kids have taken a series of hits during the pandemic. Now, teachers of color are leaving the profession at higher rates than are white teachers.
Otra amenaza a la educación en la era de covid: jubilación masiva de maestros latinos
En 2021, el 59% de los educadores hispanos estaba planeando retirarse, algunos antes de tiempo. Una cifra mucho más alta que años anteriores.
As Patients Fell Ill With Covid Inside Hospitals, Government Oversight Fell Short
A KHN investigation finds that hospitals with high rates of covid patients who didn’t have the diagnosis when they were admitted have rarely been held accountable due to multiple gaps in government oversight.
Esfuerzo comunitario para que trabajadores agrícolas reciban el refuerzo de la vacuna contra covid
La necesidad de recibir el refuerzo de las vacunas, y la amenaza inminente de la variante omicron, han hecho que la comunicación sobre covid sea más desafiante en la comunidad de los campos.
Vaccine Promoters Struggle to Get People Boosted in California’s Fields
Stressed vaccine communicators battle anti-vaccine propaganda while seeking to persuade Latino farmworkers to get covid boosters.