Can Apps Slay The Medical Bill Dragon?
A handful of Silicon Valley start-ups are trying to usher medical billing into the 21st century by creating smartphone apps to help consumers navigate their health insurance paperwork.
¿Quién cuidará de Abril si nos deportan? Padres temen por sus hijos discapacitados
Cada vez más los padres indocumentados que tienen hijos con discapacidades severas consultan a abogados y médicos con una pregunta angustiante: cómo evitar la deportación para seguir cuidando de sus niños.
Who Will Care For Abril? Parents Fear For Their Disabled Child If They Are Deported
Anticipating a broader immigration crackdown, undocumented families are hiring lawyers and scrambling to make contingency plans for their seriously ill U.S.-born kids.
California Cancer Rates Dropped During The Recession. That’s Not Necessarily A Good Thing.
Researchers believe Californians, many of whom lost health coverage, delayed doctor visits that could have led to earlier detection. Now, with people seeking medical care under the Affordable Care Act, some experts expect to see an increase in late-stage cancers.
Fear Of Deportation, Hate Crimes Reportedly Threaten Mental Health Of Young Californians
Teachers and health professionals report post-election depression, anxiety and stress in young immigrants and minorities.
In Battle Against Ovarian Cancer, A New Focus on Fallopian Tubes
Removing them during already-planned hysterectomies poses little risk and can help prevent a deadly cancer, researchers find.
Un sorprendente número de padres de California experimentaron abuso cuando niños
Uno de cada cinco adultos de California, con niños viviendo en sus casas, fueron golpeados, pateados o abusados físicamente cuando eran niños, y uno de cada 10 fue abusado sexualmente, según datos publicados por una fundación de salud infantil.
New Data: Surprising Number Of California Parents Experienced Abuse As Children
Focusing on parents can help end cycle of trauma for kids, experts say.
California’s Healthy Kids Programs Fade As Undocumented Children Gain Access To Medi-Cal
The now-redundant subsidized insurance programs have served tens of thousands of children over 15 years.
‘Don’t Cut Me!’: Discouraged By Experts, Episiotomies Still Common In Some Hospitals
Overall rates are falling in California and nationally but data point to certain hospitals with extremely high percentages.