Para frenar al coronavirus, distanciamiento y conciencia social
Cuáles son las diferencias entre auto-control, auto-cuarentena, aislamiento y distanciamiento social. Todas medidas de salud pública en vigencia en distintas partes del país.
Pence Leaves Out Key Details About Health Coverage Of Coronavirus Testing
The vice president’s remarks are more proof that health care is complicated.
Growing Concerns Of Coronavirus Should Spur Plans – Not Panic – In The Workplace
Even in the event of an outbreak, employers have to follow certain rules in their efforts to protect employees from this virus.
Getting To The Heart Of Presidential Fitness: How Much Do We Need To Know?
A recent cardiac health dust-up between former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg and Sen. Bernie Sanders, both vying for the Democratic presidential nomination, focuses attention on this question.
Llegando al corazón del estado físico presidencial, ¿cuánto necesitamos saber?
Con la camada de pre candidatos demócratas a la presidencia más mayor en la historia, el tema de la salud personal forma parte del debate.
One Defensive Strategy Against Surprise Medical Bills: Set Your Own Terms
By writing in payment limits when signing hospital forms, patients might have leverage in negotiations over disputes that arise from surprise medical bills.
Better Than Other Plans Or Better Than Nothing? Trump’s Claim About ‘Affordable’ Options
Caveat emptor. Some of these health insurance plans might prove helpful for some people, but making that determination is not easy.
Estrategia defensiva contra cuentas médicas sorpresa: establecer los propios términos
Las cuentas sorpresa son el saldo que suele aparecer sin invitación cuando al paciente lo atiende un proveedor que no está en la red del plan médico.
Appendicitis Is Painful — Add A $41,212 Surgery Bill To The Misery
A young man averted medical disaster after a friend took him to the nearest hospital just before his appendix burst. But more than a year later, he’s still facing a $28,000 balance bill for his out-of-network surgery.
Le cobran $41,212 por sacarle el apéndice
Nadie le dijo que el hospital estaba fuera de la red del plan médico que tenía a través de su trabajo. En cualquier caso, no hubiera podido irse a otro lugar. Su apéndice estaba a punto de reventar.