A muchos universitarios, el hambre no los deja concentrarse en clases
El 50% de los universitarios informan que no comen lo suficiente o están preocupados por su alimentación, según revelan estudios. Programas intentan solucionar este problema del que se habla poco.
For Many College Students, Hunger Can ‘Make It Hard To Focus In Class’
With rising college costs, up to half of college students’ finances are stretched so tight they report that they were either not getting enough to eat or were worried about it, studies find. An innovative program that sprouted at UCLA lets students donate unused meal plan vouchers to those in need. It has caught on at nearly 50 schools.
Hospitales están listos para un nuevo diagnóstico: tráfico humano
En Nueva York y California, centros de salud comienzan a entrenar a su personal para detectar señales de que el paciente puede ser víctima de esta particular forma de abuso.
Hospitals Gear Up For New Diagnosis: Human Trafficking
Many people forced into labor or the sex trade seek medical help at some point, and health care workers are being trained to identify them to offer assistance.
Staggering Prices Slow Insurers’ Coverage Of CAR-T Cancer Therapy
Some state Medicaid programs are not paying for the procedures, and Medicare’s complicated payment rates have hospitals concerned that it will not cover all the costs.
Can Insurers Use Genetic Testing Results? A Reader Wants To Know
Other readers ask what can be done to challenge unexpected medical bills — whether the result of an emergency room visit or after a change in prescription drug coverage.
¿Pensando en un plan de asociación de salud? Lee la letra chica
La administración Trump lanzó una norma para que estos planes tengan más flexibilidad y las empresas puedan unirse aunque sean de diferentes ramos y estén en diferentes estados.
Thinking About An Association Health Plan? Read The Fine Print
Federal officials say loosening the regulation of these plans will offer small businesses a more affordable health insurance option, but critics are wary.
Si tienes hepatitis C, escupir puede ser un crimen
En Ohio, un hombre que tiene hepatitis C fue sentenciado a 18 meses de prisión por escupirle a un oficial. Defensores dicen que estas leyes no son eficaces para detener la propagación de la enfermedad.
If You’ve Got Hep C, Spitting Can Be A Felony
About a dozen states have added hepatitis C to the list of medical conditions for which people can face criminal prosecution if they engage in certain activities like sex without disclosure, needle-sharing or organ donation.