Under Pressure, Florida Governor Finally Orders Residents To Stay Home
Florida joins more than 30 other states and the District of Columbia that have similarly restricted residents and businesses. Florida was the only state with more than 5,000 coronavirus cases that had yet to act.
COVID-19: bajo presión, Florida finalmente ordena a los residentes quedarse en casa
Con la creciente presión de funcionarios de salud pública y líderes políticos de todo el país, el gobernador de Florida, Ron DeSantis, dio un giro el miércoles 1 de abril y ordenó a los residentes de todo el estado que se quedaran en casa para ayudar a reducir el número de víctimas de la pandemia […]
With Coronavirus Rare In Rural Florida, Experts Dispute Way Forward
At least 30 states have issued statewide stay-at-home orders. Florida, one of the eight states with the highest number of COVID-19 cases recorded so far, is the only one in that group not to have such an order.
Telemedicine Surges, Fueled By Coronavirus Fears And Shift In Payment Rules
Millions of Americans are suddenly seeking care by connecting with a doctor electronically. Helping drive that trend, medical providers can now charge as much as they would for an office visit.
Resurge la telemedicina, por miedo al coronavirus y cambios en los pagos
Millones de estadounidenses buscan atención conectándose electrónicamente con un médico, muchos por primera vez. Una práctica segura para atender a ciertas condiciones y seguimientos.
Los vitales cuidadores de pacientes en el hogar, ¿ahora son una amenaza?
Cientos de miles de trabajadores de salud van a los hogares de todo el país para prestar servicios vitales a las personas mayores y a los discapacitados.
Are Vital Home Health Workers Now A Safety Threat?
Hundreds of thousands of health care workers go into homes to provide important services for seniors and disabled people. But with the rising concerns about the danger of the coronavirus pandemic, especially for older people, these health workers could be endangering their patients and themselves.
Near Trump’s Florida Home, Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing Gets Off To Rocky Start
Just 5 miles from Mar-a-Lago, the POTUS’ outpost, Florida residents find that the president’s pledge to make testing accessible hasn’t materialized.
Heart Association Puts Halt To Bayer’s Giant Displays Of Baby Aspirin
After Kaiser Health News’ questions, the association tells the aspirin maker to take down display bins at Walmart pharmacies that gave a false impression that the over-the-counter drug is recommended for everyone to prevent heart attacks.
Needy Patients ‘Caught In The Middle’ As Insurance Titan Drops Doctors
UnitedHealthcare is dropping hundreds of physicians from its New Jersey Medicaid network, separating patients from longtime doctors. Physicians charge the insurer is using its market power to shift business to practices it controls.