En riesgo programas de salud en “ciudades santuario”
La dura posición del gobierno de Trump sobre inmigración podría estimular recortes en la financiación federal y complicar una amplia variedad de programas de salud en estas ciudades.
A Spoonful Of Kids’ Medicine Makes The Profits Go Up
Even as drug pricing issues continue to draw scrutiny, federal safety regulations and incentives offer drug companies a new avenue to get a sweet return on their development costs.
New Data Show Medicaid Expansion Pays Off, As Some Holdout States Rethink It
Researchers concluded that because the federal government picked up so much of the tab of expanding eligibility for the low-income insurance program, expansion states like California didn’t have to skimp on other policy priorities to make ends meet.
Lead Poisoning’s Lifelong Toll Includes Lowering Social Mobility, Researchers Find
Research published today suggests childhood lead exposure, which affects half a million children and which the CDC has been deemed a major public concern, doesn’t just impact cognitive development but also undermines class mobility.
El envenenamiento por plomo no solo afecta la salud a largo plazo, también la movilidad social
Un nuevo estudio comprueba que el envenenamiento por plomo en la niñez sigue afectando durante la vida adulta, no solo la salud sino también el ascenso social.
Obamacare Pushed Nonprofit Hospitals To Do Good Beyond Their Walls. Now What?
A provision in the 2010 health law required these hospitals to justify their tax exemption by demonstrating involvement in community health. Repeal, replace or repair could stall that momentum.
Instead Of Trashing A $600 EpiPen, Some Patients Get A Refill
Epinephrine, the active ingredient in EpiPens, expires after 18 months, and the auto-injector device can’t be refilled or reused. Health professionals are looking for work-arounds they say could save the health system millions.
Facing Pressure, Insurance Plans Loosen Rules For Covering Addiction Treatment
Aetna will be the third major insurer to remove prior authorization requirements for patients who seek medication-assisted treatments such as Suboxone.
Obama’s Drug Czar: The Opioid Crisis Must Continue To Be A Federal Priority
In an interview with Kaiser Health News, Michael Botticelli outlined his concerns about how GOP efforts to dismantle the health law’s coverage expansions could jeopardize treatment for people in need.
Getting Patients Hooked On An Opioid Overdose Antidote, Then Raising The Price
The device, known as an Evzio, administers just enough naloxone to stabilize someone who has overdosed on drugs. But its manufacturer, Kaleo, may be positioning itself to find profits in a dire health care crisis.