Would ‘Medicare For All’ Cost More Than U.S. Budget? Biden Says So. Math Says No.
Biden’s statement misses the mark because of messy math.
In Fierce Debate, Democratic Candidates Expand Health Agenda Arguments
A sampling of health policy highlights from the eighth Democratic presidential primary debate in Manchester, N.H.
Women Shouldn’t Get A Bill For An IUD … But Sometimes They Do
The Affordable Care Act requires that insurers cover birth control with no out-of-pocket costs, but the enforcement mechanism is weak and a pending court case could add further complications.
To Boost Bottom Lines, Single-Payer May Be Just What These Restaurateurs Ordered
Small-business owners, frustrated by the byzantine health system, are warming to the idea of a “Medicare for All,” government-run system, even if it increases their taxes. But they have questions.
Trump On ‘Medicare for All’ And The Costs Of Extending Health Care To Undocumented Immigrants
In his Feb. 4 State of the Union address, President Donald Trump said the cost of extending health care to people regardless of their citizenship status would “bankrupt” the U.S.
On Drug Pricing, The President’s Numbers Are Still Off
We checked again. The data has not changed.
Warren Is Right. Presidents Have The Power To Bypass Congress On Drug Pricing.
But like all of health care, it’s complicated.
Bloomberg y atención médica: traducir su historial como alcalde a nivel nacional
¿Qué puede decirnos el récord de Michael Bloomberg durante su período como alcalde de Nueva York sobre cómo podría abordar la atención médica desde la Casa Blanca?
Bloomberg On Health Care: Translating His Mayoral Record To The National Stage
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg uses health care as a key message in his Democratic presidential primary run.
Trump’s Claim He ‘Saved’ Preexisting Conditions ‘Part Fantasy, Part Delusion’
The claim, which builds on previous statements and campaign messaging, drew strong reactions.