
Latest California Healthline Stories

Does Obama Deserve Blame for Mandate’s Troubles?

Candidate Obama opposed health reform’s individual mandate; President Obama signed the mandate into law. Why did the president shift his thinking — and will the decision haunt his signature legislation?

Clues to How the Supreme Court Might Rule on Health Reform

The fate of the Affordable Care Act rests in the hands of the Supreme Court justices, who next week will hear oral arguments over three days. How the court might rule is a hot topic — and several historic court decisions provide some hints as to which way the case will go.

On the Health Reform Trail: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

At the two year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, California has made significant progress in establishing an insurance exchange and undertaking other provisions of the law. However, the road ahead is marked by uncertainty, and California must meet more challenges before the job is done.

Making a Place for Small Businesses in Exchanges

Health insurance exchanges for small businesses are set to go online in 2014, alongside state-based exchanges for the individual market. Recent research shows that the success of the so-called Small-Business Health Options Program will be based on whether it can offer more plan choices and contain costs.

State Choices on Essential Benefits May Become More Complicated

Stakeholders are responding to HHS’ recent bulletin giving states a large hand in determining “essential health benefits” to be offered through insurance exchanges in 2014. In California, officials are trying to determine how to handle a growing list of state-mandated benefits within the exchanges.

Five Health Care Issues To Watch in 2012

Mark your calendars: A slew of ACA-related payment reforms, health IT changes and health insurance exchange updates will debut next year — even as constitutional questions over the law come to an end. (Maybe.)

Healthy San Francisco’s Lessons for National Health Reform

It has an employer mandate. It has improved access to care. It has survived a Supreme Court challenge. So, why aren’t national health policy leaders paying more attention to Healthy San Francisco?

Five Key Lines in the Circuit Court Rulings on Reform

Questions about the Affordable Care Act’s constitutionality took center stage again this week, as a fourth appeals court rendered its decision and the Supreme Court prepares to conference on whether to take the case.

Follow the Money: How Industry Is Lobbying To Preserve Reform Law

New reports on health sector lobbying reveal that the industry continues to donate generously to President Obama and Democrats, despite public criticism of last year’s health reform law.

What Texas Can Teach California About Health Care Reform

Texas’ hands-off approach to its health care safety net can offer takeaways for California, either as a hard lesson for the cash-strapped Golden State — or as an example of what not to do.