
Latest California Healthline Stories

Should Palliative Care Be Reformed?

We asked stakeholders and legislators about proposals in Congress and the California Legislature seeking to change the way health care systems deal with palliative care.

Bills Offer Two Approaches to Hospital Observation Status

We asked stakeholders to assess the strengths and weaknesses of two bills in the California Legislature seeking to clarify the complex and financially significant issue of “observation status” in acute care hospitals.

Should California Strengthen School Immunization Rules?

We asked stakeholders how California legislators and policymakers should respond to two growing trends: the number of kindergartners starting school without standard vaccinations and an increase in communicable diseases like measles and whooping cough.

Is California Ready for Telehealth Growth?

We asked stakeholders and experts if California is ready for rapid growth of telehealth technologies which researchers say will increase eightfold over the next five years in the U.S.

How Should State Shape Care at Home?

We asked legislators and stakeholders how California can best shape state policy governing health care delivery in the home, a form of delivery expected to grow significantly in coming years.