Latest California Healthline Stories
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health articles from the week so you don’t have to.
If High Court Reverses Roe V. Wade, 22 States Poised To Ban Abortion
As with current abortion policies, a woman’s access to the procedure would continue to be determined by where she lives.
Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ Justice Kennedy Retires. Now What?
In this episode of KHN’s “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Rebecca Adams of CQ Roll Call, Alice Ollstein of Talking Points Memo and Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times discuss the possible impact of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy on health issues. Also, in honor of our first anniversary, the panelists offer up their thoughts on the biggest health policy stories of the past year.
Puede peligrar prevención de enfermedades de transmisión sexual por recorte de fondos
La decisión de la administración Trump de recortar fondos a servicios de planificación familiar que realizan abortos, o refieren para estos procedimientos, puede afectar la prevención de ETS.
The ‘Perfect Storm’: Redirecting Family Planning Funds Could Undercut STD Fight
Some public health officials fear that the Trump administration’s proposals to change how Title X funding is handled may impede the effort to cut the record number of sexually transmitted diseases.
Por qué Trump quiere quitarle fondos a Planned Parenthood
La reactivación de una norma que data de la presidencia de Ronald Reagan podría ayudar al presidente a cumplir su promesa de campaña de “cancelar” Planned Parenthood.
Trump Proposes Cutting Planned Parenthood Funds. What Does That Mean?
The Trump administration is pulling out an old regulation that it believes will be able to meet a key conservative goal: withholding some federal funding for Planned Parenthood in the government’s family planning program.
Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ Much Ado About Drug Prices
In this episode of KHN’s “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Anna Edney of Bloomberg News and Rebecca Adams of CQ Roll Call discuss President Donald Trump’s proposals to control prescription drug prices and the efforts to sell the plan to lawmakers and the public. Also, Rovner interviews emeritus law professor Timothy Jost about the state of the Affordable Care Act.
Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ Medicaid, Privacy And Tom Price’s Return
Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times and Alice Ollstein of Talking Points Memo discuss the latest on states’ efforts to reshape their Medicaid programs, the kerfuffle over President Donald Trump’s medical records and comments by former Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price about Congress’ repeal of the Affordable Care Act’s “individual mandate” penalty. Rovner also interviews Harvard professor Robert Blendon about the complex politics of health in the coming midterm elections.
Cuatro nuevas razones para evitar la multa por no tener seguro de salud
Nuevas reglas permitirán pedir exenciones al requisito de pagar una multa por no tener coebrtura de salud, en base al lugar de residencia y a la opinión sobre el aborto.