Latest California Healthline Stories
Abortion By Mail Delivers Promise For Better Access But Political Questions Remain
The experiment — involving 50 women in Hawaii, Oregon, New York and Washington — breaks ground by letting women get an abortion without visiting a clinic.
Did It Hurt Or Help? UCSF Researchers Analyze Ohio’s 2011 Abortion Law
A new study finds that women may have suffered more complications and needed more follow-up care as a result of the law. The law’s advocates question the findings.
A Look At Veep Pick Tim Kaine’s Record On Health Care
As a Democratic senator and governor, Tim Kaine has backed the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid expansion and better access to mental health treatment for people in crisis.
Ballot Proposal To Notify Parents For Under-18 Abortions Falls Short Of Signatures
“It died on the vine,” says petition contractor.
Supreme Court Vacancy Creates Muddle For Future Of Reproductive Rights
Scalia’s death throws cases on abortion, contraception coverage into doubt.