Latest California Healthline Stories
Texas Is Latest State To Attack Surprise Medical Bills
A new state law says hospitals and insurers will have to work it out among themselves when they can’t agree on a price — instead of sending huge bills to patients. “Bill of the Month” patient Drew Calver galvanized attention on the issue after he told his story to KHN, NPR and “CBS This Morning.”
A Year After Spinal Surgery, A $94,031 Bill Feels Like A Back-Breaker
A service called neuromonitoring can cut the risk of nerve damage during delicate surgery. But some patients are receiving unexpected and large bills for the service.
Partera recibe factura de $4,836 por usar gas de la risa en su propio parto
Por lo general, supervisado por enfermeras y administrado con cuidado, el óxido nitroso se factura con una tarifa fija, de $100 a $500 por el acceso a la máquina y al gas.
Not Funny: Midwife Slapped With $4,836 Bill For Laughing Gas During Her Labor
As nitrous oxide makes a comeback for pain relief during childbirth, one medical professional fights back over an overblown charge for using it.
Summer Bummer: A Young Camper’s $142,938 Snakebite
The snake struck a 9-year-old hiker at dusk on a nature trail. The outrageous bills struck her parents a few weeks later.
Verano de pesadilla: le facturan $142,938 por tratar una mordedura de serpiente
A la pequeña Oakley Yoder la mordió una copperhead en el verano de 2018. La niña, entonces de 9 años, recibió una atención de excelencia. Pero el resultado fue una factura astronómica.
Watch: Price of a Brace Brings Soccer Player to His Knees
KHN ethnic media editor Paula Andalo appeared on Telemundo, where she offered advice about how to avoid overpaying for medical equipment you may not need.
Price Of A Brace Brings Soccer Player To His Knees
After a sports injury, Esteban Serrano owed $829.41 for a knee brace purchased with insurance through his doctor’s office. The same kind of braces sell for less than $250 online.
¡Miau-ch! Le cobran $48,152 por una droga contra la rabia
Una bióloga de Florida, amante de los animales, quiso alimentar a un gato callejero. Lo que siguió fue una pesadilla de gastos médicos inesperados.
An animal lover stopped to feed a hungry-looking stray cat outside Everglades National Park in Florida. First, the cat bit her finger — then the hospital billed her close to $50,000 for a treatment that typically costs about $3,000.