Latest California Healthline Stories
He Started Vaping As A Teen And Now Says Habit Is ‘Impossible To Let Go’
Public health officials worry vaping is an emerging disaster that could reverse years of decline in smoking by young people. What’s the latest evidence that e-cigarettes are a gateway to tobacco?
Educar sobre prevención de drogas en la era de la marihuana legal
Aunque sigue estando prohibida para los menores de edad, el acceso más fácil al cannabis ha hecho repensar la forma punitiva de educar sobre drogas.
Verma Unveils State Medicaid Scorecard But Refuses To Judge Efforts
Seema Verma, who heads the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, refused to discuss the findings in any detail or comment on any individual states performing poorly or exceptionally.
Bubble Pop? Brownie Batter? Vapes’ Added Flavors Fuel E-Cig Debate
Vaping is becoming increasingly popular in the United States, especially among young people. This fact is triggering an unexpected divide within the public health community and complicating efforts to regulate the industry.
Facebook Live: Vaping Unveiled
Nicotine-loaded e-cig juices that spoof popular treats — marketed to help adults kick the smoking habit— instead may be luring youths into addiction. California Healthline’s Facebook Live peeled back the curtains on this wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Bebes prematuros: cámaras mantienen a la familia cerca, y a los gérmenes lejos
Las cámaras en las NICU ayudan a los padres a estar cerca de sus bebés en todo momento, y minimizan la posibilidad de infecciones.
Cameras On Preemies Let Family In, Keep Germs Out
Virtual visitation using webcams lets anyone with a password keep their eye on the most vulnerable babies.
‘Time’s Up’: Covered California To Enforce Quality And Safety Targets
Starting in less than two years, if state hospitals haven’t met targets for performance of C-sections, medical imaging and opioid prescription, they’ll risk being excluded from the “in-network” designation of health plans sold on the state’s insurance exchange.
California Hospitals Urge Moms To Favor Breast Milk Over Formula
Exclusively breastfeeding babies for at least six months is widely viewed as a significant health benefit. White moms are more likely to do so than blacks, Asians or Latinas.
Children’s Hospitals Look To Voters For Financial Aid
California’s children’s hospitals want to put a measure on the November ballot for a $1.5 billion bond to help them pay for construction and upgrades.