Latest California Healthline Stories
The Juul’s So Cool, Kids Smoke It In School
The teenage smoking sensation appearing on high school campuses across the country is an easy-to-hide, high-nicotine device called the Juul. Educators and health care advocates fear that vulnerable young people may become addicted.
Medicaid Is Rural America’s Financial Midwife
Medicaid payments allow struggling hospitals to maintain vital costly services such as maternity care.
After Raising Age For Tobacco Purchases, State Sees Decreased Sales To Minors
A new study shows that, in California, moving the minimum age from 18 to 21 significantly reduced purchase by those under 18. That could be because teenagers had less access to tobacco through slightly older friends.
How Medicaid Became A Go-To Funder For Schools
Begun as a health care safety net for children and low-income families, Medicaid increasingly underwrites a range of services in America’s public schools.
States Strive To Curb Costs For A Crucial — But Exorbitant — Hemophilia Treatment
Saving the lives of people with the bleeding disorder can require high doses of expensive blood-clotting factor. Taxpayers foot much of the bill as manufacturers profit enormously.
Rhymes Of Their Times: Young Poets Riff On Type 2
A Bay Area public health campaign harnesses the power of poetry to confront the root causes of a diabetes epidemic that is disproportionately hitting minority youth and those from low-income homes.
Después del tiroteo “hay que respetar cómo los jóvenes lidian con sus sentimientos”
Una psicóloga infantil, quien fue alumna de la escuela de Parkland en la que murieron 17 personas, explica cómo ayudar a los adolescentes en los días posteriores al terrible tiroteo.
After Shooting, ‘Honor How Kids Want To Deal With Their Feelings’
Christine Sylvest, a child psychologist who now works in Maryland, for three years attended the Parkland, Fla., high school where a shooting attack left 17 people dead last week. She says the tragedy affects the entire community.
Postcard From Sacramento: Residents Rally For A Healthy Valley
More than 1,000 San Joaquin Valley residents descended on Sacramento Thursday, calling on lawmakers to tackle the region’s bad air, chronic diseases and other health challenges.
Bipartisan Senate Budget Deal Boosts Health Programs
The agreement would add $2 billion to the National Institutes of Health and fund community health centers around the country. But it does not include provisions to help stabilize the federal health law’s marketplaces.