Latest California Healthline Stories
Nueva preocupación para las familias con fumadores: el humo de tercera mano
Nuevos hallazgos ponen de relieve los esfuerzos de la comunidad científica por identificar los peligros potenciales de otro subproducto de los cigarrillos que está al alcance de la mano de un niño.
Kids With Hepatitis C Get New Drugs And Coverage May Prove Easier Than For Adults
The drugs, approved by the FDA for children earlier this month, can run $100,000 for a course of treatment.
A New Worry For Smokers’ Families: ‘Thirdhand Smoke’
The chemical residue from cigarette smoke that can cling to walls, clothes and skin may present a danger to children.
Going For $1 An Ounce: The Burgeoning Trade In Mothers’ Milk
As a fountain of nonprofit milk banks emerge, one woman’s abundant supply can fill another’s yawning demand. But critics fear that poor women will sell start selling their milk for survival, depriving their own babies of vital nutrients.
Lead Poisoning’s Lifelong Toll Includes Lowering Social Mobility, Researchers Find
Research published today suggests childhood lead exposure, which affects half a million children and which the CDC has been deemed a major public concern, doesn’t just impact cognitive development but also undermines class mobility.
El envenenamiento por plomo no solo afecta la salud a largo plazo, también la movilidad social
Un nuevo estudio comprueba que el envenenamiento por plomo en la niñez sigue afectando durante la vida adulta, no solo la salud sino también el ascenso social.
Proposed Law Envisions Lead Screening For All California Children
Under the current statute, kids are tested for lead only if they’re on certain government programs or live in older buildings. That leaves many other California children at risk, lawmaker says.
Cuando los padres y el pediatra no hablan el mismo idioma
Un nuevo estudio en California revela que los padres latinos que sólo hablan español son menos propensos a reportar buenas experiencias con los médicos de sus hijos que los que hablan inglés.
Syphilis Among California Newborns Spikes Amid Broader STD Epidemic
Kern and Fresno counties, in the Central Valley, have the highest rates of congenital syphilis. Health officials think the surge is due to lack of prenatal care, drug use, risky sex and lack of awareness.
When You Don’t Speak The Same Language As Your Child’s Doctor
Latino parents who speak only Spanish are less likely to report having satisfactory experiences with their children’s doctors than Latino parents who speak English, a new California study shows.