Latest California Healthline Stories
In Health-Conscious Marin County, Virus Runs Rampant Among ‘Essential’ Latino Workers
The pandemic is racing through packed apartment blocks as Mexican and Central American workers bring the virus home to their families.
El coronavirus prolifera entre trabajadores latinos en un condado rico de California
Las comunidades de color de bajos ingresos, especialmente los latinos, sufren cada vez más el peso de la pandemia de coronavirus en el estado.
America’s Obesity Epidemic Threatens Effectiveness of Any COVID Vaccine
Vaccines engineered to protect the public from influenza, hepatitis B, tetanus and rabies are less effective for obese people, leaving them more vulnerable to serious illness. As scientists race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, experts say obesity could prove an impediment — a sobering prospect for a nation in which nearly half of all adults are obese.
Readers and Tweeters Defend Human — And Animal — Rights
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
Namaste Noir: Yoga Co-Op Seeks to Diversify Yoga to Heal Racialized Trauma
In dealing with her son’s violent murder, fear over the coronavirus pandemic and the stress of coping with systemic racism, Beverly Grant has found strength and peace through yoga. The Denver native is part of a yoga co-op seeking to bring the ancient practice to more diverse communities as a health care tool.
Medi-Cal Agency’s New Head Wants to Tackle Disparities and Racism
Will Lightbourne, the new director of the California Department of Health Care Services, says government must address the racial disparities laid bare by COVID-19 and improve care for the state’s most vulnerable residents.
‘It’s About Love and Solidarity’: Mutual Aid Unites NYC Neighbors Facing COVID
Mutual aid groups, in which volunteers give their time and resources to help others in the community, are seeing a resurgence in New York with the coronavirus pandemic.
NIH Project Homes In on COVID Racial Disparities
The pandemic has given the National Institutes of Health an opportunity to show the value of its $1.5 billion “All of Us” research program. A major effort to make the platform’s database representative of America resulted in minorities making up more than half of its more than 270,000 volunteers.
Estudio federal analiza COVID-19 y las disparidades raciales en Estados Unidos
Investigadores del NIH tratan de establecer la relación entre factores socioeconómicos como el ingreso, la estructura familiar, la dieta, el acceso a la atención médica y las infecciones por COVID y sus resultados.
La tasa de vacunación contra la culebrilla aumenta, pero muchos quedan atrás
Un nuevo informe de los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) revela que el porcentaje de vacunación es mucho más bajo entre las minorías.