Latest California Healthline Stories
Readers Have Bones To Pick, From Health System Flaws To Covering Marijuana Beat
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
Terrifying Brush With Death Drives Doctor To Fight For Patients
Dr. Rana Awdish was completing a fellowship in critical care when she became critically ill herself. Now, she helps other doctors understand the patient’s perspective.
Una epidemia ignorada: adultos mayores que toman medicamentos innecesarios
Algunos consumen hasta 27 píldoras por día, recetadas por distintos especialistas. Médicos lideran un movimiento para suspender medicamentos innecesarios.
An Overlooked Epidemic: Older Americans Taking Too Many Unneeded Drugs
Researchers estimate that 25 percent of people ages 65 to 69 take at least five prescription drugs to treat chronic conditions. But some doctors are trying to teach others about “deprescribing” or systematically discontinuing medicines that are inappropriate, duplicative or unnecessary.
Stopping Opioid Addiction At One Key Source: The Hospital
Based on research conducted at the University of Michigan’s medical center, a group of surgeons developed a strategy to help post-surgical patients from misusing or abusing their prescription painkillers.
Doctors Make Big Money Testing Urine For Drugs, Then Ignore Abnormal Results
Medicare and insurers struggle to oversee a booming business in testing urine samples. In some cases, pain doctors’ lack of follow-through can turn fatal.
Consejos para enfrentar la mala atención en hospitales
El paciente tiene derecho a reclamar si cree que no está recibiendo una atención adecuada. Y el hospital debe resolver el problema rápidamente.
Problems With Your Hospital Care? Speak Up!
If you’re in the hospital and aren’t happy with how they are treating you, here are some simple steps to improve your situation.
Taking A Page From Pharma’s Playbook To Fight The Opioid Crisis
Doctors and pharmacists in Northern California are emulating drug company sales reps with a fresh purpose in mind: They visit medical offices in the hardest-hit counties to change their peers’ prescribing habits and curtail the use of painkillers.
Entrenando a nuevos médicos justo en donde se los necesita
En el Valle Central de California, no hay una escuela de medicina, y los nuevos médicos a menudo evitan el área en favor de los centros urbanos más ricos, donde pueden ganar más dinero.