Latest California Healthline Stories
‘Please Tell Me My Life Is Worth A LITTLE Of Your Discomfort,’ Nurse Pleads
Health care workers on the front lines of the COVID crisis have spent exhausting months working and self-quarantining off-duty to keep from infecting others, including their families. Encountering people who indignantly refuse face coverings can feel like a slap in the face.
Coronavirus Crisis Disrupts Treatment For Another Epidemic: Addiction
The coronavirus has forced drug rehabilitation centers to scale back operations or temporarily close, leaving people who have another potentially deadly disease — addiction — with fewer opportunities for help.
Health Workers Resort To Etsy, Learning Chinese, Shady Deals To Find Safety Gear
The shortages are so dire that nursing homes and other health centers are going to extraordinary lengths for masks, gowns and essential materials.
Looking For A Path To Reopen, Employers Weigh COVID Testing Of Workers
As some states begin the delicate task of lifting stay-at-home orders and allowing businesses to reopen, many employers are considering whether their strategy should include wide testing of workers.
Empleadores evalúan hacerles pruebas para COVID-19 a sus trabajadores
Algunos empleadores dicen que las pruebas y los exámenes de detección pueden ayudar a reducir las transmisiones y los temores de los trabajadores.
Amid Pandemic, FDA Seizes Cheaper Drugs From Canada
Many Americans order drugs from Canada and other countries because they are cheaper, but U.S. authorities appear to be cracking down on the practice.
Furor Erupts: Billions Going To Hospitals Based On Medicare Billings, Not COVID-19
In the first round of emergency relief, some states will get more than $300,000 per COVID-19 patient, while hard-hit New York gets just $12,000 per patient.
Retiree-Rich Palm Beach County Leads Florida In COVID-19 Deaths
The coronavirus death toll in Palm Beach County — home to President Donald Trump’s palatial home and club, Mar-a-Lago ― is the highest in Florida, where the large senior population is at risk.
COVID-19: bajo presión, Florida finalmente ordena a los residentes quedarse en casa
Con la creciente presión de funcionarios de salud pública y líderes políticos de todo el país, el gobernador de Florida, Ron DeSantis, dio un giro el miércoles 1 de abril y ordenó a los residentes de todo el estado que se quedaran en casa para ayudar a reducir el número de víctimas de la pandemia […]
With Coronavirus Rare In Rural Florida, Experts Dispute Way Forward
At least 30 states have issued statewide stay-at-home orders. Florida, one of the eight states with the highest number of COVID-19 cases recorded so far, is the only one in that group not to have such an order.