Latest California Healthline Stories
Este Día de Acción de Gracias, no invites a la salmonela a tu mesa
El brote por salmonela en aves de corral hace que la seguridad alimentaria sea más crítica que nunca. Hay que manipular bien los alimentos.
In Throes Of Turkey Salmonella Outbreak, Don’t Invite Illness To Your Table
There’s no federal requirement that your holiday bird be free of salmonella, so consumers bear the burden of keeping food safe.
Cáncer, qué importa. En California, el café sigue siendo el rey
A pesar de la pasión de los californianos por el café, a los vendedores les preocupa que las advertencias sobre el cáncer publicadas en sus puertas no se vean exactamente como señales de bienvenida
Cancer, Schmancer. In California, Coffee Is King
The Golden State, with the rare support of the Trump administration, is seeking to circumvent a court order that would require cancer warnings in every establishment that sells a hot cup of Joe.
How A Shutdown Might Affect Your Health
For some federal health programs, a shuttered government means business as usual. But the congressional impasse over funding will hit others hard.
Trump’s Nominee For Agriculture Has Key Health Role
From nutrition assistance programs to preventing food-borne illness, the Agriculture Department is deeply involved in health policy.
A Tender Steak Could Be A Little Dangerous
A new label for mechanically tenderized beef helps consumers avoid foodborne illness.
But the authors caution against concluding that folic acid is ineffective.
Is There Gunk On Your Greens? 4 Things To Know About The Listeria Recall
The FDA issued a big recall of frozen foods this week. Here’s what you need to know about the nasty bug that’s causing all the problems.