Latest California Healthline Stories
Money For Housing Californians With Mental Illness Heads To Ballot Box
About $2 billion in funding approved by the legislature to provide housing for homeless people with mental illness has been stalled by a legal challenge. In an attempt to bypass the lawsuit, Gov. Jerry Brown and legislators have agreed to bring the issue to voters in November.
At L.A. Clinic, Free Showers Can Get Homeless People In To See A Doctor
The showers at Saban Community Clinic can be a gateway to other services, including health care, insurance sign-ups and housing referrals.
As Medicaid Costs Soar, States Try A New Approach
New programs, known as ACOs, reward hospitals and physician groups that hold down costs by keeping enrollees healthy. The health care providers are asked to address social issues — such as homelessness, lack of transportation and poor nutrition — that can cause and exacerbate health problems.
Hospitals Step In To Help House The Homeless. Will It Make A Difference?
They say it will help reduce unnecessary ER visits and ensure better follow-up care. It’s also good P.R., and helps them meet their obligations to provide benefits to the community in exchange for significant tax breaks.
To Save On Medi-Cal Costs, A Bid To Help Homeless Patients With Rent Money
California lawmakers consider a bill to use state money to help homeless Medi-Cal patients pay rent — shifting their focus from sheer survival to wellness. The move could save taxpayers millions, advocates say.
Mobile Team Offers Comfort Care To Homeless At Life’s End
A Seattle program pioneers palliative care that reaches dying patients on streets and in shelters.
California Hopes $3 Billion Experiment Will Improve Health Of Neediest
Pilot projects are being launched in 18 counties to reduce ER visits among Medi-Cal’s most costly patients.
New Funding Seeks To Help Clinics Swamped By Demand For Dental Care
HHS awarded $156 million to 420 health centers around the country in the first grants ever specifically geared to dental care.
Viejos moteles cobran nueva vida ayudando a las personas sin hogar a sanar
El uso de moteles deteriorados para cuidar y albergar temporalmente a personas sin hogar recientemente dadas de alta del hospital ayuda a estabilizarlos de manera económica, previniendo retornos innecesarios y costosos a las salas de emergencia y a los hospitales.
Old Motels Get New Life Helping Homeless Heal
Using run-down motels to care for and temporarily house homeless people recently discharged from the hospital helps stabilize them inexpensively, preventing unnecessary and costly returns to ERs and hospitals.