Latest California Healthline Stories
California Hospital Giant Sutter Health Faces Heavy Backlash On Prices
In a case with possible national repercussions, the state’s attorney general has sued over alleged price gouging, and other legal and legislative challenges are afoot. Sutter is pushing back hard, denying anticompetitive behavior.
Sticker Shock Jolts Oklahoma Patient: $15,076 For Four Tiny Screws
A woman with foot pain was floored by the high cost of titanium screws used in her surgery. “Unless the metal [was] mined on an asteroid, I do not know why it should cost that amount,” she says.
Cómo las cuentas médicas pueden afectar el historial de crédito
Casi el 40% de los adultos menores de 65 años informaron un puntaje de crédito más bajo debido a deudas médicas, según el análisis más reciente del Commonwealth Fund.
When Credit Scores Become Casualties Of Health Care
The complexity of health insurance coverage rules, along with market trends that leave consumers open to more out-of-pocket costs, lead to mounting medical debt for consumers.
Hospitals Lure Diabetes Patients With Self-Care Courses, But Costs Weigh Heavily
Self-management classes can help the tens of millions of Americans now diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. But the education can come with a high price tag.
Study: Nearly Three-Quarters Of Commonly Used Medical Scopes Tainted By Bacteria
The ‘scary’ findings show a discouraging lack of progress in cleaning the devices, despite more vigorous efforts in the wake of deadly superbug outbreaks, experts say.
California Hospitals Must Cough Up Millions To Meet Charity Care Rules
The decision by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra signals his agreement with health consumer advocates, who argue that patients are still struggling to pay their medical bills, even when they have insurance.
Safety Violations Compound Pain Of Painkiller Shortages
California and federal officials have cracked down on a major compounding pharmacy they say posed a threat to public safety, but their actions are worsening shortages of medications that doctors rely on to keep their patients out of pain.
California Aims To Tackle Health Care Prices In Novel Rate-Setting Proposal
Proponents of the bill say high costs of care are gobbling paychecks and worsening income inequality. Doctors and hospitals say it will drive providers out of state.
A Tale Of Two CT Scanners — One Richer, One Poorer
Why is the price of a CT scan 33 times higher in an hospital emergency room than in an outpatient imaging center just down the street?