Latest California Healthline Stories
Lawmakers Debate How Much Wiggle Room To Give States In Health Care
The federal health law includes a provision that allows states to alter some of its rules if they can think of a better way to provide health care to their residents, but it’s not clear how far outside the box states can go.
Las voces olvidadas en el debate de salud: 8 mujeres cuentan sus historias
Los proyectos de salud que se han estado discutiendo dejan de lado muchos de los servicios esenciales para las mujeres, como el cuidado materno y los métodos anticonceptivos.
Often Missing In The Health Care Debate: Women’s Voices
When leaders in Washington discuss the future of American health care, women are not always in the room. Here, nine women share their personal stories, fears and hopes.
Fate Of San Francisco’s Ban On Flavored Tobacco Products Is Now Up To Voters
Tobacco industry bankrolled an effort to stall the city’s new anti-tobacco ordinance, which business owners argue would lead to millions in lost sales annually.
Analysis: GOP Failure To Replace The Health Law Was Years In The Making
As postmortems mount regarding the collapse of the Senate Republican health plan, it’s clear how complex political and policy issues worked against the replacement effort.
McCain Votes No, Derails ‘Skinny Repeal’ In Marathon Session
After a late-night session and the “skinny” defeat, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pulls legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act from the floor.
Over-The-Counter Devices Hold Their Own Against Costly Hearing Aids
In a head-to-head comparison, several of the cheaper devices performed nearly as well as the expensive hearing aids. The study lends credence to lawmakers’ efforts to get the FDA to set standards for the “personal sound amplification products.”
Senate Parliamentarian Upends GOP Hopes For Health Bill
The parliamentarian finds that provisions of the bill cannot go forward with a simple majority vote.
Podcast: What The Health? Senate Health Bill, Mostly Dead?
Even experienced health care reporters in Washington, D.C., can’t say for sure. Meanwhile, states like California, heavily invested in Obamacare, wrestle with uncertainty.
Cruz Plan Gets Thumbs Up From HHS But Thumbs Down From Most Everyone Else
During another day of fast-moving developments, Senate Republicans signaled their intent to attempt to bring an updated repeal-and-delay bill to the floor for a vote next week.