Latest California Healthline Stories
A ‘Safe’ Space To Shoot Up: Worth A Try In California?
A bill pending in the state legislature could make the Golden State the first in the U.S. to open establishments where intravenous drug users can shoot up under medical supervision. Proponents say that would save lives.
Senators’ Dueling Web Shoutouts Echo Nation’s Partisan Divide On Obamacare
In the early stages of the Senate’s attempts to write a health care bill, a Republican and a Democrat each solicit constituents’ Obamacare experiences from opposite ends of the spectrum.
GOP Health Bill Pleases Most Republicans, But Not Many Other Americans
While nearly half of Americans support Obamacare, fewer than a third are in favor of the Republican replacement legislation.
California’s New Single-Payer Proposal Embraces Some Costly Old Ways
The legislation would revive the age-old practice of paying providers for every service they perform — a recipe for a busted budget, some experts say. Backers say the bill is a work in progress.
California Could Become First State To Extend Medi-Cal To Undocumented Young Adults
Two legislative committees this week approved the use of state money for the expansion of California’s Medicaid program to unauthorized immigrants up to age 26. What’s uncertain is whether the full legislature and Gov. Jerry Brown will approve the plan.
Strategies To Defend Unpopular GOP Health Bill: Euphemisms, False Statements And Deleted Comments
Since the House passed the American Health Care Act, Republican members of Congress have tried to swing public opinion to their side. ProPublica has been tracking what they’re saying.
Citing CBO Report, Critics Decry GOP Bill’s Potential Fallout In California
“I feel like I am in a bad dream,” said Sen. Ed Hernandez, who chairs the state Senate Health Committee.
Tab For Single-Payer Proposal In California Could Run $400 Billion
A state Senate panel considering the measure said money for existing public programs could cover half the cost. But the rest might have to come from new taxes — a serious political obstacle.
GOP’s Health Bill Could Undercut Some Coverage In Job-Based Insurance
In states that take up the bill’s option to change the essential health benefits, the out-of-pocket spending limits and annual and lifetime caps on coverage in large group plans could fray.
California Bill Would Protect Patients’ Access To Their Chosen Family Planning Providers
The bill signals California’s willingness to pay those providers regardless of federal changes but does not guarantee the funding.