Latest California Healthline Stories
¿Pueden los estados reparar el desastre que es el sistema de salud?
La legalización del matrimonio gay comenzó en algunos estados y se convirtió en una ley nacional. La marihuana parece seguir la misma ruta. ¿Podría ser el caso de la reforma sanitaria?
Analysis: Can States Fix The Disaster Of American Health Care?
The governor of California has proposed some big ideas. Who knows whether he can pull them off, but there’s reason for hope.
Massachusetts Stroke Patient Receives ‘Outrageous’ $474,725 Medical Flight Bill
After a 34-year-old woman suffered a stroke in Kansas, doctors there arranged for her to be transferred to a Boston hospital, via an Angel MedFlight Learjet. The woman and her father believed the cost of the medical flight would be covered by her private insurance. Then they got the bill.
Luego de una sobredosis de opioides, solo el 30% recibe tratamiento contra la adicción
Solo 3 de cada 10 pacientes revividos tras sufrir una sobredosis de opioides reciben el tratamiento de seguimiento que puede evitar una futura tragedia.
After Opioid Overdose, Only 30 Percent Get Medicine To Treat Addiction
Patients revived from an opioid overdose who get methadone or Suboxone treatment for addiction afterward are much more likely to be alive a year later, says a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Dramático aumento de muertes por sobredosis de opioides en latinos. ¿Por qué?
Nuevos datos muestran que la epidemia de opioides está cambiando de cara, y que ya no es un problema exclusivo de los blancos no hispanos.
What Explains The Rising Overdose Rate Among Latinos?
Opioid addiction is often portrayed as a white problem, but overdose rates are now rising faster among Latinos and blacks. Cultural and linguistic barriers may put Latinos at greater risk.
How Many Opioid Overdoses Are Suicides?
Opioid overdoses and related deaths are still climbing, U.S. statistics show. Teasing out which overdoses are intentional can be hard, but is important for treatment, doctors say.
Con medidas migratorias de Trump, adultos mayores pueden perder a sus cuidadores
Haitianos y centroamericanos forman parte de la fuerza de trabajo de los cuidadores en el hogar, que está en riesgo de mayor escasez si deben irse del país.
As Trump Targets Immigrants, Elderly Brace To Lose Caregivers
Families and nursing homes say Trump administration policies threaten to drive immigrants away from caring for older and disabled patients, intensifying a shortage in these low-wage jobs.