Latest California Healthline Stories
On Medi-Cal And Feel Shut Out Of Nursing Homes? Here Are Tips To Claim Your Bed.
Medi-Cal enrollees have an easier time getting into a nursing home if they are coming from the hospital rather than from their homes or from assisted living.
Why Glaring Quality Gaps Among Nursing Homes Are Likely To Grow If Medicaid Is Cut
Medicaid covers about two-thirds of nursing home residents, but it pays less than other types of insurance.
Nursing Home Disaster Plans Often Faulted As ‘Paper Tigers’
Too often enforcement of rules for dealing with crisis is lax, advocates for nursing home residents say.
Largest Assisted Living Chain In U.S. Sued For Poor Care Of Elderly
A class-action complaint filed in a federal court in Northern California alleges that insufficient staffing and poor worker training has had “devastating” consequences for residents in the assisted living homes of Tennessee-based Brookdale Senior Living.
Counting On Medicaid To Avoid Life In A Nursing Home? That’s Now Up To Congress.
Tighter Medicaid budgets could jeopardize states’ home-based services that help older adults and disabled people live in their homes instead of more expensive nursing homes.
California Lawsuit Aims To Protect Spouses Of Disabled From Financial Ruin
Suit filed by advocates says California officials aren’t complying with federal Medicaid laws protecting spouses’ finances.
Half The Time, Nursing Homes Scrutinized On Safety By Medicare Are Still Treacherous
Of the 528 nursing homes that graduated from special focus status before 2014 and are still operating, more than half — 52 percent — have harmed patients or operated in a way that put patients in serious jeopardy within the past three years, a KHN analysis finds.
In The End, Even The Middle Class Would Feel GOP Squeeze On Nursing Home Care
Medicaid pays for two-thirds of nursing home residents — 62 percent in California — but some recipients don’t even know they’re on it.
AARP: States Lag In Keeping Medicaid Enrollees Out Of Nursing Homes
California is one of only nine states — in addition to the District of Columbia — that spent more than half of their long-term care Medicaid dollars on home- and community-based services rather than on nursing homes. The Golden State ranked 9th in the nation in the quality of its overall long-term care services, up from 15th six years ago.
Medicaid Caps Pitched By GOP Could Shrink Seniors’ Benefits
Advocates for the elderly worry that GOP plans to end Medicaid’s open-ended spending and replace it with per-capita limits could pose a risk for low-income older people who rely on the federal-state program for nursing and other long-term care.