Latest California Healthline Stories
Soda Industry Steals Page From Tobacco To Combat Taxes On Sugary Drinks
Voters in Oregon, Washington will decide whether to strip cities of ability to tax sugary drinks.
Matrimonio captura en video sus últimos días de vida
Bajo la ley de muerte digna de Oregon, Charlie y Francie Emerick, casados durante 66 años y ambos con enfermedades terminales, decidieron morir el mismo día, tomados de la mano. Una de sus hijas grabó el video.
Oregon Couple’s Final Days Captured In Intimate Aid-In-Dying Video
Dr. Charles Emerick and his wife, Francie, died together last spring after both being diagnosed with terminal illnesses. First, they let their daughter turn on the camera.
Dementia Patient At Center of Spoon-Feeding Controversy Dies
Nora Harris, 64, who had early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, raised questions about the power — and limits — of an advance directive to withdraw care.
In Oregon, End-of-Life Wishes Are Just A Click Away
A new link creates two-way access to the state registry that documents the type of medical care sick and frail patients want — or refuse.
Despite Advance Directive, Dementia Patient Denied Last Wish, Says Spouse
Oregon court says Alzheimer’s patient Nora Harris must be spoon-fed. But her husband says she never wanted to live like this.
Drop In Sudden Cardiac Arrests Linked To Obamacare
A study published by the Journal of the American Heart Association showed that sudden cardiac arrests dropped by 17 percent in one Oregon county after people gained health insurance through the Affordable Care Act.
Where You Live May Determine How You Die. Oregon Leads The Way.
A state with integrated systems for end-of-life care offers better treatment for the seriously ill, according to a new study.