Latest California Healthline Stories
Proyecto de salud del Senado cambiaría Medicaid y limitaría apoyo para las primas
Los republicanos en el Senado revelaron un proyecto de ley de salud que transformaría dramáticamente el programa Medicaid, que ayuda a 70 millones de personas de bajos ingresos a tener cobertura de salud.
Senate Health Bill Would Revamp Medicaid, Alter ACA Guarantees, Cut Premium Support
Despite promises to craft their own way to revamp the federal health law, the Senate Republican bill follows the House’s lead in many ways.
Millions Of Ill People May Face ‘Extremely High Premiums’ Under House Bill, CBO Says
The report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office evaluates last-minute changes made to the bill to help propel it to passage.
Millones de personas enfermas enfrentarían primas altísimas, según nuevo informe
El reporte dado a conocer por la Oficina de Presupuesto del Congreso indica que bajo una ley republicana de salud habría 23 millones de personas más sin seguro, y que millones pagarían mucho más por la atención de salud.
Running Short On Time, Covered California And Insurers Seek Obamacare Answers From GOP
Health insurers must submit initial rates to California’s exchange on Monday, but confusion persists over core elements of the current health law.
GOP Conservatives’ Goal To Relax Mandatory Health Benefits Unlikely To Tame Premiums
The federal health law requires most insurance plans to offer 10 specific categories of essential benefits. Conservatives would like to get rid of that rule in the hopes of bringing down premium costs.
The Next Obamacare Battleground: Subsidies For Out-Of-Pocket Costs
Exchange enrollees and insurers fret over a lawsuit that could end federal help with copays and deductibles.
GOP Health Proposal Would Upend Consumers’ Cost Calculations In California
Decently paid millennials in LA might be better off than under Obamacare — but older people in pricier areas could fare much worse.
GOP Fix To Insurance Markets Could Spike Premiums For Older Customers
As Republicans consider how to bring down costs for younger people, lawmakers may relax or eliminate the restrictions on how much more insurers can charge older consumers.
Shoppers On California Exchange Sidestep Soaring Premiums But Pass Up Subsidies
One Health Affairs study published Monday shows many consumers with Covered California health plans limited their rate hikes by choosing lower cost plans. But a second study suggests many passed up financial help because they chose the wrong type of plan.