Latest California Healthline Stories
How A Drugmaker Turned The Abortion Pill Into A Rare-Disease Profit Machine
An abortion drug invented decades ago is being used to treat Cushing’s syndrome — and it’s bringing in tens of millions of dollars a year.
Tratan a la violencia doméstica como un problema médico
En Los Angeles, un centro que atiende a mujeres víctimas de abuso en el hogar tiene una oficina, y pronto un refugio, en el campus de un concurrido hospital.
Treating Domestic Violence As A Medical Problem
Health care professionals increasingly collaborate with anti-abuse advocates to identify victims and ensure they get the help they need. One women’s center is opening a shelter on the campus of a large public hospital in Los Angeles.
The Ratcheting Price Of The Pneumococcal Vaccine: What Gives?
The price for Pfizer’s Prevnar 13 has increased 5 to 6 percent each year since its 2010 approval by the Food and Drug Administration.
Expertos elaboran nuevas recomendaciones para la detección del cáncer cervical
Un panel de expertos en prevención dice que las mujeres deberían alternar las pruebas de Papanicolau y VPH, en vez de hacerse las dos a la vez.
Prevention Experts Propose Easing Advice On Number Of Cervical Cancer Screenings
A draft recommendation from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force says women between ages 30 and 65 should get a Pap test every three years or an HPV screening every five years, but they don’t need to do both.
Leap Of Faith: Will Health Care Ministries Cover Your Costs?
Sharing ministries are based on biblical principles and are not the same as commercial insurance. They are not legally binding and may not cover some common medical expenses.
¿Funcionan los seguros de salud basados en la Biblia?
Los ministerios de salud son esencialmente programas de costos compartidos que se aplican a nivel nacional. Para ser miembro hay que tener una mirada de fe sobre la atención médica.
Has California Hit The Brakes In Regulating Breath-Robbing Big Rigs?
The state has made a huge dent in diesel pollution from freight trucks. But critics fear exemptions in a new law will stall progress, especially endangering the health of children and seniors near ports.
Alerta por escasez de un antídoto contra picaduras de insectos
Médicos alergistas en todo el país están advirtiendo sobre la escasez de un producto poco conocido pero crucial: extracto de abejas y avispas usado en vacunas que previenen reacciones que amenazan la vida.