Latest California Healthline Stories
HHS Pick Price Made ‘Brazen’ Stock Trades While His Committee Was Under Scrutiny
With federal investigators bearing down on his committee, Rep. Tom Price, who is in line to be secretary of HHS, showed little restraint in investing in health companies.
A Guide To Budget Reconciliation: The Byzantine Rules For Disassembling The Health Law
Republicans, who don’t have the votes to repeal the ACA directly, are hoping to use this strict budget strategy that requires only a majority vote to strip the health law of provisions they oppose.
Democrats Say Cabinet Choice Tom Price ‘Misled’ The Public. Here’s What We Know.
Concerns over U.S. Rep. Tom Price’s answers about stock trades led Senate Democrats to boycott a committee vote that would have moved his nomination to the Senate floor.
Trying To Solve The Alzheimer’s Puzzle
Alzheimer’s researchers hold onto hope after another promising trial ends in disappointment.
At Party Retreat, GOP Still Searching For Health Law Consensus
At their party retreat, the officials are coalescing around a strategy that would have not a single replacement for the Affordable Care Act but instead include changes through a budget bill, administrative action and later a series of individual bills addressing smaller aspects of the health system.
Everything You Need To Know About Block Grants — The Heart Of GOP’s Medicaid Plans
Republican plans to transform Medicaid could help set debate on the role of government and entitlements. Here’s an explanation of how it could work.
Trump’s First Order Has Strong Words On Health. Actual Impact May Be Weak.
Trump administration has tools to break the health law. Will it use them?
One GOP Plan Says States That Like Their Obamacare Can Keep It
California and other states could continue to cover people under the ACA or create new approaches, according to a bill introduced Monday. Many Democrats fear such state options won’t draw enough federal funding and will fragment coverage nationwide.
Trump’s HHS Choice: First A Letter To Medicare. Then A Campaign Contribution
Rep. Tom Price, up for running HHS under President Trump, helped a company that became a top campaign donor, records show.
Trump Stays Silent On Health Law In Speech, Then Sets Tone For Repeal
Trump did not mention his plans for the health law in his inaugural address but later that day signed an order intended to “minimize the economic burden” of the health law.