KHN on the Air This Week
KHN and California Healthline staff made the rounds on national and local media this week to discuss their stories. Here’s a collection of their appearances.
California’s Reboot of Troubled Medi-Cal Puts Pressure on Health Plans
By Bernard J. Wolfson
Photos by Heidi de Marco
The nine commercial insurers in Medi-Cal must reapply by submitting bids for new contracts. The state hopes the process will improve care for low-income residents and tighten accountability, something critics say has been missing.
Head-Scratching Over Newsom’s Choice of Blue Shield to Lead Vaccination Push
By Bernard J. Wolfson
Gov. Gavin Newsom’s surprising choice of Blue Shield to lead the state’s covid vaccination effort raised questions about the role politics played in the decision — and whether the insurer is up to the task.
Vaccine Ramp-Up Squeezes Covid Testing and Tracing
By Bernard J. Wolfson
The ability of California health officials to multitask in a pandemic will be severely tested as they scramble to find staff for vaccination sites while maintaining testing and contact tracing.
COVID Vaccines Appear Safe and Effective, but Key Questions Remain
By Bernard J. Wolfson
The federal government expects vaccinations to be available to everyone who wants them by summer — though glitches are inevitable. If enough of us get vaccinated, we could wave goodbye to the pandemic in 2021.
Las vacunas de COVID parecen ser seguras y efectivas, pero todavía hay preguntas
By Bernard J. Wolfson
Una encuesta publicada en diciembre mostró que el 45% de los encuestados están adoptando un enfoque de “esperar y ver qué pasa” con la vacunación.
Medicare Open Enrollment Is Complicated. Here’s How to Get Good Advice.
By Bernard J. Wolfson
It’s a complex program with many options — as well as confusing rules and nuances. Here’s how to get reliable guidance.
Consejos para inscribirse bien en Medicare durante la complicada inscripción abierta
By Bernard J. Wolfson
Medicare se reduce fundamentalmente a dos alternativas: la tarifa por servicio del Medicare Tradicional o el enfoque de atención administrada de Medicare Advantage.
It’s Open Enrollment. Here’s What You Need to Know
By Bernard J. Wolfson
For Californians who are buying their own insurance, enrollment in 2021 health plans runs through Jan. 31.
Hospitalized? You Can Still Vote in Most Parts of the Country
By Bernard J. Wolfson
Hospital staff in states such as California and New York can help patients obtain ballots and vote. In other states, you need a relative to assist you.