Latest California Healthline Stories
When Wounds Won’t Heal, Therapies Spread — To The Tune Of $5 Billion
The market for wound care products booms among a growing older and diabetic patient pool, but many treatments are untested and funding for research falls short.
Counting On Medicaid To Avoid Life In A Nursing Home? That’s Now Up To Congress.
Tighter Medicaid budgets could jeopardize states’ home-based services that help older adults and disabled people live in their homes instead of more expensive nursing homes.
Cómo tener atención médica de largo plazo en el hogar sin caer en bancarrota
La gran mayoría de los adultos mayores reciben atención a largo plazo en sus casas, no en hogares. Pero pocas personas planean con anticipación para enfrentar este gasto.
How To Get Long-Term Care At Home Without Busting The Bank
The majority of older adults receive long-term care at home and need help covering these services with affordable insurance policies. The long-term insurance industry needs to focus on home care.
Jump-Starting Hard Conversations As The End Nears
An end-of life-planning website can encourage patients to tackle that difficult topic before they become too ill to communicate, according to a new study. But they may be more likely to make concrete plans with help from a doctor or social worker.
Over-The-Counter Devices Hold Their Own Against Costly Hearing Aids
In a head-to-head comparison, several of the cheaper devices performed nearly as well as the expensive hearing aids. The study lends credence to lawmakers’ efforts to get the FDA to set standards for the “personal sound amplification products.”
Estas medidas preventivas podrían ayudar a atrasar la demencia y el deterioro cognitivo
En un informe histórico, científicos han avalado tres estrategias para prevenir la demencia y el deterioro cognitivo asociados con el envejecimiento normal.
These Preventive Measures Might Help Delay Dementia Or Cognitive Decline
Recent research shows that controlling blood pressure, exercising and cognitive training around middle age could help prevent cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s disease.
Mensajes desde el más allá: usan tecnología para preservar la memoria
Al igual que los primeros humanos utilizaron herramientas primitivas para tallar retratos de sus vidas en las paredes de las cuevas, la tecnología actual puede ayudar a preservar la memoria.
Messages From Beyond: Using Technology To Seal Your Legacy
From slick videos to digital “time capsules,” folks have new ways to “stay alive” long after they die.