Audio Report

Latest California Healthline Stories

Health Care for the Undocumented Complicated by Cost Questions

Elizabeth Landsberg of the Western Center on Law and Poverty, H.D. Palmer of the state Department of Finance, Nadereh Pourat of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and undocumented college student Darwin Velasquez spoke with California Healthline about the intentions and possible effects of a new bill introduced in the Senate to provide health care to the undocumented population in California.

Children’s Lunch Program Aims To Bring Better Food, Health to Schools

Karen Brown of the Center for Ecoliteracy, Michelle Drake of the Elk Grove Unified School District and UC-Davis student volunteer Katie O’Malley spoke with California Healthline about a new program called California Thursdays, which brings locally grown food into school lunchrooms across the state. In all, the program serves lunch for nearly one million schoolchildren in the state — about 1,700 schools in 15 districts.

Mixed Bag So Far for Duals Program: Some Glad, Some Livid, Most Confused

UCLA researcher Kathryn Kietzman, Kevin Prindiville of the National Senior Citizens Law Center, dual-eligible beneficiary Maria Salim and her daughter Teresa Strauss of Los Angeles and Norman Williams of the Department of Health Care Services spoke with California Healthline about the progress and concerns over the Cal MediConnect duals demonstration program, which now is about halfway through its enrollment process.

New ACA Rules, Forms Complicate and Confuse Medi-Cal Renewal Effort

Placer County Human Services Director Cheryl Davis, Anastasia Dodson of the Department of Health Care Services, Jennifer Flory of the Western Center on Law and Poverty and Gerald Kominski of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research spoke with California Healthline about the planned renewal of eight million Medi-Cal enrollees, using new federal guidelines and a new state form that have hindered the effort.

Ballot Measure Aims at Patient Safety by Raising Limits on Malpractice Suits

Carmen Balber of Consumer Watchdog, Amitabh Chandra of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Cathy Frey of Central Valley Health Network and Richard Thorp of the California Medical Association spoke with California Healthline about the debate over Proposition 46, the November ballot initiative that would raise the cap on malpractice lawsuits and require drug-testing of physicians.

Can Raising the State’s Minimum Wage Improve Public Health?

Rajiv Bhatia of the UC-Berkeley School of Public Health, Gerald Kominski of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, Sen. Mark Leno, Mike Schommer of the Minnesota Department of Health and medical student Lea Selitsky spoke with California Healthline about the legislative efforts to raise the minimum wage and research into the possible public health effects from that.

State Lawmakers Want To Overhaul Mental Health Programs

Ratan Bhavnani of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Linda Boyd and Kathleen Piché of the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson and Sen. Darrell Steinberg spoke with California Healthline about the legislative and local efforts to change the state’s approach to handling mental illness.