Capitol Desk

Latest California Healthline Stories

Penalty Checks Arriving for Late Hearings

Seniors and persons with disabilities who had to wait months for eligibility hearings for a new state program are beginning to receive penalty checks from the state. But spending them can be a little tricky, according to advocates.

More Healthy Families Feedback Sought

The state is required to solicit input from Healthy Families beneficiaries about the transition to Medi-Cal managed care plans, but so far state officials have had limited success in engaging those families.

S.F. Alzheimer’s Pilot Results Released

San Francisco’s coordinated care pilot project results for dementia patients released at a national Alzheimer’s conference yesterday showed a dramatic 40% reduction in emergency department utilization rates.

Grants Set for Rural Information Exchange

Federal, state and University of California officials have teamed up to promote health information exchange among rural providers, aiming for smoother and more effective use of electronic health records in California.

Workforce Training, Stop-Loss Bills OK’d

A number of health-related bills cleared committee just before the California Legislature’s summer recess, including legislation to expand the number of physicians in underserved areas.

Insurers, Legislators Clash Over Premium Disclosure Bill

Despite objections from insurers, the Assembly health committee approved a bill aimed at reducing health coverage costs by getting insurers to divulge more information about premium increases.