Capitol Desk

Latest California Healthline Stories

Helipad Bill Hits Turbulence in Senate

Assembly member Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) says some hospitals in California face a particularly frustrating obstacle when they fly in far-away patients by helicopter.

“In Riverside, they land on the roof of a parking garage across the street. Marin General has to use a park nearby to land helicopters, and then drive them to the hospital.”

In the transport of trauma patients, saving those few extra minutes could also save a life, Hill said.

If You’re a Californian Who Likes Health Care Reform Raise Your Hand

Interesting panel discussion today in Sacramento that accompanied the release of the latest Field Poll gauging the attitudes of Californians toward health care reform. There were some surprising results in the poll, and some intriguing takes on what those numbers mean.

Kim Belshé, Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency, put it this way: “How can so many people (in California) feel optimistic about the promise of health care reform, and at the same time so many think health care reform won’t really help them personally?”

But first, as they say, let’s do the numbers: