Capitol Desk

Latest California Healthline Stories

Health Changes Likely in State Budget

Some health care services may be restored in the new state budget being hammered out today in the California Legislature, but some may still face a gubernatorial veto.

Medi-Cal Autism Care May Be Lacking

Nearly a year after autism therapy officially became a Medi-Cal benefit, only 2% of Medi-Cal managed care children with autism are receiving one of the main treatments for the malady, according to state data.

Panel OKs Vaccine Bill; Floor Vote Next

After a long, sometimes heated debate, the Assembly health committee yesterday approved a bill to remove the personal-belief exemption from childhood vaccination requirements in California.

State Fashions New Dental Director Role

The governor’s appointment of a state director of dental care could signal a fresh approach to oral health in California and may help solve problems in Denti-Cal, California’s Medicaid dental program.

Big Day for Health Care Bill Passage

Along with the big-ticket proposal to provide coverage for undocumented immigrants, a number of health care bills cleared floor votes in the California Legislature yesterday. A few others did not survive.

Protest Rises Over Medi-Cal Rates

A Sacramento protest planned today is aimed at increasing pressure on the governor and legislators to raise Medi-Cal provider reimbursement rates and rescind previous rate reductions.

Medicinal Marijuana Bill Retooled

Medicinal marijuana is intended to improve Californians’ health, but unregulated pot can contain harmful pesticides and pose other health risks, according to a newly retooled bill.