Capitol Desk

Latest California Healthline Stories

Covered California Will ‘Easily’ Hit Goal

Covered California’s enrollment total hit 474,000 and Medi-Cal sign-ups during the same time reached 779,000 — a total of more than 1.2 million newly enrolled in three months. With a deadline extension, state officials said the exchange would easily hit its goal of 500,000 enrollees.

Soda Warning Label Bill Is Back

A proposal to print a health warning on sugary drinks in California that generated heated debate last year has been reintroduced in the state Legislature.

Cost Drivers and How To Steer Them

Expensive drugs got much of the blame last week during a legislative hearing hoping to pinpoint the major cost drivers in the state’s health care system.

New Rules To Limit Narrow Networks

The state insurance commissioner’s narrow network regulations went into effect yesterday, setting new standards for wait times and provider availability.