Capitol Desk

Latest California Healthline Stories

Exchange Plans Ad, Outreach Campaign

The second open enrollment period for Covered California is two months away and exchange officials want to make sure people in California know about it — to the tune of $94 million.

Douglas Resigns as DHCS Director

After three controversy-filled years as director of the state Department of Health Care Services, Toby Douglas announced his resignation today.

How Jail Survey Affects Health Care

The expansion of the Medi-Cal program will be keenly felt by Californians in county jails or on probation, many of whom have not had access to coverage before. One researcher said the transitional time for inmates is a perfect opportunity to gain coverage.

Intervenor Role Now Politically Charged

The latest volley in the war over Proposition 45, the November ballot initiative to regulate health insurance rate hikes, is over intervenors who play an obscure role in the state’s process for overseeing insurance.