Health Care Costs

Latest California Healthline Stories

Aging Californians Challenge State Health Care System

California policymakers are struggling to deal with the implications of a dramatic increase in the number of elderly Californians. Some of the major issues: a shortage of geriatric health care specialists, limited long-term care options and increasing numbers of Alzheimer’s patients.

Health Cost Comparison Web Sites Slowly Catching On

Health care cost comparison Web sites are cropping up nationwide, even though cost information does not seem to be the top priority of consumers who researching health information online. Health care experts say that it is only a matter of time before consumers embrace online price comparison tools.

Cost Takes Center Stage in Health Care Reform Efforts

CalPERS isn’t taking a position in California’s health care reform debate, but the giant pension fund is backing efforts to control health care cost increases. Other groups agree that costs are a problem but instead are pushing for a complete overhaul of the way Californians get health care.