Latest California Healthline Stories
Please, Baby, Please: Some Couples Try Crowdfunding For IVF
Infertility treatment rarely is covered by health insurance. And more couples who need it to conceive are turning to crowdfunding sites.
Medicaid Is Balm And Benefit For Victims Of Gun Violence
Young men injured by gunshot wounds often lacked insurance and went for years without proper follow-up care. The health law’s Medicaid expansion, in doubt since the election, changed that in many of the states with the most gun violence.
Free Clinics Aim To Fill VA’s Shortfalls In Mental Health
A billionaire hedge fund manager, whose son served in Afghanistan, has opened a chain of clinics to tend to the psychological needs of veterans.
Health Law’s Test Kitchen For Payment Reforms Could Offer Tool For GOP Ideas
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation was charged by the health law with exploring payment reforms that could cut health care costs and possibly improve quality. But its future is hinged to whether GOP lawmakers see value in its work.
Push-ups In The Park: Cal State Students Lead Outdoor Exercise In Low-Income Areas
A program to boost physical activity at parks around California can help people lose weight and prevent – or control – chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
Laughing Gas For Labor Pain? It’s Poised For A Comeback
Nitrous oxide for laboring women was popular in the U.S. until the mid-20th century when it went out of favor when birth became more medicalized. Now, midwives are putting it back on the “menu” of pain relief options for childbirth.
¿El control de la natalidad discrimina a los hombres?
Un estudio que mostró resultados positivos en términos de eficacia anticonceptiva masculina, pero fue interrumpido, ha generado un debate sobre posibles sesgos en la investigación de anticonceptivos.
States See Peer-Recovery Coaches As A Way To Break The Addiction Epidemic
Rhode Island installed coaches in all of the state’s hospital emergency rooms and others are following its lead.
To Curb Unintended Pregnancy, States Turn To IUDs — In The Delivery Room
States are contemplating whether access to IUD through post-delivery procedures could be an important step in curbing unintended pregnancies.
Staying Out Of The Closet In Old Age
Many aging gays and lesbians who have lived openly for decades are finding that the world of assisted living and nursing homes can be decidedly less accommodating.