Latest California Healthline Stories
Cuidado con los tratamientos con células madre no aprobados
Advierten sobre sitios de internet que publicitan tratamientos “curativos” con células madre porque no son terapias aprobadas por la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de Estados Unidos (FDA).
Pricey New Treatment Roils Issues Of How To Treat Prostate Cancer
High-intensity focused ultrasound, often not covered by insurance, leads to discussions about which patients benefit in the real world.
Can We Conquer All Diseases By The End Of The Century?
According to the neurobiologist heading a much-publicized effort funded by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, putting scientists and engineers under one roof will be key.
When Pretend Play Is Real For Alzheimer’s Patients
Playing with dolls is good therapy for some elderly people with dementia. They may think the dolls are real babies, but does it matter?
Beware Of Unapproved Stem Cell Treatments
Pricey and unproven therapies that sound too good to be true probably are.
Twenty dying people, at peace with their mortality, shared their views on life, love and death with a Los Angeles artist for an exhibit at the Museum of Tolerance.
Poll Finds Majority Of Americans Want Restraints On Drug Prices
As the spiraling costs attract headlines, many people are looking to the government to rein in prescription drug prices, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation poll.
Expert Panel Recommends Expansion Of Services With No Cost Sharing For Women
The list of preventive services that insurers must cover without a co-pay could grow to include mammograms for younger women, testing that follows an irregular screening and birth control for men.
“Más en paz”: intérpretes, clave para facilitar los últimos días de los pacientes
Para los hispanos que no hablan inglés y que enfrentan una enfermedad terminal, los intérpretes en hospitales son clave para ayudarlos a comprender el proceso que están viviendo.
Aseguradoras pueden insistir en asesoramiento antes de pruebas genéticas para el cáncer de seno
Médicos y aseguradoras coinciden en que si la mujer tiene un historial familiar de cáncer de seno, debería hacerse un examen genético. En lo que no se ponen de acuerdo es en si deben tener asesoramiento especilizado previo.