Latest California Healthline Stories
Advocates, CMS Warn Providers About Continuing Medicare ‘Balance Billing’
A CMS report says low-income seniors and those with disabilities often are billed for copayments, deductibles and other forms of shared payments, which is against the law.
Duals Allowed To Designate an Assistant
State health officials have established a process allowing dual eligibles to designate a friend or relative to make decisions about enrollment choices.
Medicaid Recipients Continue to Use ED for Dental Work, Even With Coverage
Medicaid beneficiaries with dental coverage still go to hospital emergency departments for dental work — in part because access to dental services depends on the availability of enough willing providers of care, authors of a new study say.
Changes Afoot for Orange County Duals
After several false starts, Orange County is set to launch its enrollment process for the duals demonstration project — but with a slightly modified timeline.
Future of Children’s Program Up in Air
Children’s health advocates are wary of the state’s plans to redesign the California Children’s Services program with a managed care model.
Children’s Services May Get Extra Year Before Move to Managed Care Starts
The California Senate Committee on Health approved a bill calling for a one-year delay in the plan to move Medi-Cal children with rare and complicated diseases into managed care plans.
What Has Half a Century of Medicaid Meant for U.S.?
Experts and stakeholders reflect on half a century of Medicaid as we approach the 50th anniversary of two national health programs.
State’s Rate Review Shows Fewer Dental Providers Take Medi-Cal Patients
The number of California dentists providing care through Medi-Cal has fallen by more than 14% since 2008. With the concurrent large increase in Medi-Cal dental coverage, advocates see an access issue looming.
State, Advocates, Academics React To Auditor’s Medi-Cal Managed Care Report
State health officials may not be getting enough data from Medi-Cal managed care plans, raising concerns about the difficult task of melding public agencies and private plans.
Undocumented Immigrants Help Keep Medicare Solvent, According to New Study
New research measuring undocumented immigrants’ contributions to the Medicare program has implications for efforts to extend Medi-Cal coverage to undocumented immigrants, according to California officials.