Latest California Healthline Stories
Medi-Cal Mental Health Waiver Approved
Integration of physical and mental health in the Medi-Cal program got a boost from federal approval of a five-year extension of the specialty mental health services waiver.
Governor Calls for Special Legislative Session To Address Health Spending
With health care spending high on his list of fiscal concerns, Gov. Brown has called for a special legislative session dealing with Medi-Cal, loss of the managed care organization tax and other health spending issues.
Scathing Auditor’s Report on Medi-Cal
California lawmakers need to ramp up their monitoring of the Department of Health Care Services to make sure Medi-Cal managed care patients can access care, according to a state audit released yesterday.
Medi-Cal Managed Care Audit Coming
The state auditor is about to release a critique of Medi-Cal’s managed care program, including the adequacy and accuracy of its provider directories.
State Fashions New Dental Director Role
The governor’s appointment of a state director of dental care could signal a fresh approach to oral health in California and may help solve problems in Denti-Cal, California’s Medicaid dental program.
Surprising Results From Pilot Program Aimed at Medi-Cal ‘Super-Utilizers’
More than half of Medi-Cal health care spending is on 5% of the beneficiaries — but that small cadre of “super-utilizers” might not be who you think they are, according to a pilot project in rural Humboldt County.
Protest Rises Over Medi-Cal Rates
A Sacramento protest planned today is aimed at increasing pressure on the governor and legislators to raise Medi-Cal provider reimbursement rates and rescind previous rate reductions.
Is the Obama Administration Coercing States To Expand Medicaid — Again?
Florida is alleging that the Obama administration is trying to force states to expand their Medicaid programs by threatening to withhold some of their Low Income Pool funding. Some health policy experts say the administration is being coercive, while others say the administration did not put up a strong enough fight.
State Responds to Concerns, Resets Timeline for Senior Program Transition
State health officials announced they would extend the timeline for transition of frail and elderly Californians from the Multipurpose Senior Services Program into managed care plans.
Is Expanded Medicaid Coverage Even Worth It?
Republicans in recent weeks have shifted their arguments against the Affordable Care Act, alleging that the Medicaid coverage is like not having coverage at all. Are the millions of people who have enrolled under the law’s Medicaid expansion getting inferior coverage?