Latest California Healthline Stories
Rural Frail, Elderly Beneficiaries Being Shifted to Medicaid Managed Care Plans
A year after launching its rural expansion of Medi-Cal managed care, the state now wants to shift about 24,000 of its most frail and elderly rural beneficiaries into managed care plans.
New Legislative Strategies May Emerge To Raise Medi-Cal Reimbursement Rates
Ever since the Legislature agreed to reduce Medi-Cal provider payments by 10% in 2011, lawmakers have struggled to reverse the cuts. This year, there could be a more targeted approach.
How Obama Immigration Order Might Affect Medi-Cal Enrollment
President Obama’s executive order on immigration may lead to a modest spike in Medi-Cal enrollment in California, according to some advocates.
Autism Treatment Concerns Raised
Two months after announcing the state would cover autism therapy for Medi-Cal beneficiaries, 105 children have received the service and the backlog for diagnostic evaluation may be as long as a year.
One-Quarter of Possible Participants Have Opted Out of the Duals Project
About 50,000 dual-eligibles have now enrolled in Cal MediConnect, but the opt-out rate is high, particularly in Los Angeles County. Overall, more than 100,000 Californians eligible for Medi-Cal and Medicare have chosen not to participate.
State Tweaks Timeline for Duals Project
Alameda County has been dropped from the state’s duals demonstration project and automatic enrollment in Orange County will be delayed at least one more month.
Medi-Cal Enrollment Jumps to 11.3 Million
Enrollment in Medi-Cal continues to rise and now includes almost one-third of the state’s population. The number of beneficiaries — estimated now at about 11.3 million — is likely to dip after the renewal period ends.
Fragile, Rural Population About To Be Moved Into Medi-Cal Managed Care
Consumer advocates say it didn’t go so well the last time state officials moved elderly and disabled Medi-Cal beneficiaries into managed care plans. Now the state is moving forward with another shift — this time for rural beneficiaries. How will this transition be different?
Senate Raises Concerns About Medi-Cal Backlog and Exchange Outreach Effort
‘Phones are ringing off the hook,’ state legislators say, with complaints about access to providers and long waits for Medi-Cal enrollment processing.
How State Will Handle Medi-Cal Renewals
Only about half of the eight million Medi-Cal recipients who need to renew their coverage this year have done so. That has led to the state temporarily delaying cancellation of Medi-Cal coverage for late enrollees.