
Latest California Healthline Stories

State Officials, Advocates at Odds Over Size, Scope, Details of Duals Project

As the launch date for a pilot project to move roughly 400,000 senior and disabled dually eligible Californians into managed care plans approaches, state health officials are working on details with health plans, providers and beneficiaries.

Will This State Be the First To Expand Obamacare — and Then Take It Away?

About 100,000 residents of Arkansas have gotten coverage through the “private option,” a unique application of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion. But the program only runs through June, and Republicans — concerned by costs and emboldened by state legislative victories — are threatening to kill it after just six months.

Dual Eligibles Transition Sparks Worries

California health officials want to move one million Californians who qualify for Medi-Cal and Medicare into managed care. Advocates worry the state will not properly prepare seniors for the transition.

This Program Was Bigger Than Covered California. Why Did We Ignore It?

By December 2013, nearly 700,000 people had obtained health coverage through California’s Low-Income Health Program, the state’s early expansion of Obamacare coverage — and the “most overlooked” part of health reform, one expert tells California Healthline. Here’s a look at lessons to be learned from the LIHP.