
Latest California Healthline Stories

Health Care Stimulus Funding Process Picking Up Speed

California already has received $3.3 billion and expects to receive a total of $11 billion by the end of 2010 under a federal stimulus package provision that increases federal matching payments to state Medicaid programs. Meanwhile, the stimulus package’s health IT provisions are beginning to take shape.

California Offers Examples of Public Plans in House Hearings

Officials for two different types of Medi-Cal managed care plans appeared before a House committee last week in support of including a public plan in health care reform legislation, while a representative of the Pacific Business Group on Health raised businesses’ concerns about such a plan.

California Lawmakers Clear the Way for Stimulus Money

Rapid action on bills dealing with Medi-Cal and COBRA funding set the stage for part of the federal stimulus money to begin flowing into California.  The third and perhaps biggest flow of health care-related funds — for health information technology — will take longer and could be thornier.