
Latest California Healthline Stories

Public Health Insurance Is There But Enrollment Is Lagging

Almost three million of California’s uninsured are eligible for immediate health insurance, but such an influx of new beneficiaries would require the state and federal governments to increase funding for a range of public health insurance programs.

California Hospitals Wonder if Feds Will Kick in for Health Reform

Gov. Schwarzenegger’s health care reform plan would rely on $3.7 billion in federal funds, but officials for the California Hospital Association are not convinced that the federal government will come through with the money.

Pay for Performance a Factor in Medicare Reform

California HMOs have adopted pay-for-performance programs at a higher rate than the national average, and other states are encouraging CMS to adopt the programs, which some see as a way of addressing the sustainability of Medicare and Medicaid.

Health Care Reform a Priority for 2007

Gov. Schwarzenegger plans to announce a health care reform proposal in his January 2007 State of the State address, and at least two other legislative proposals on health care reform will be introduced.

New Rules Might Limit Medi-Cal Benefits for Nursing Home Care

Under new federal rules, eligibility for nursing home benefits under Medi-Cal will be restricted to people whose home equity is $750,000 or less, a change that could have a big impact in states like California that have high real estate prices.

Counties Debate Effects of Medicaid Citizenship Law

California county officials are voicing concerns about what to expect when they began enforcing a new federal law that requires proof-of-citizenship to obtain Medicaid benefits and are questioning whether the expected fiscal savings will materialize.

Health Coverage Mandates Raise New Issue in Debate

At least 30 states nationwide are considering legislation to require that large employers spend a percentage of their payroll on health care coverage for employees. Supporters say the efforts are intended to shore up Medicaid and other safety-net programs, but employers say such bills raise larger issues.