Latest Morning Briefing Stories
Another Legislative Possibility for Restoring Medi-Cal Funding
A bill seeking to tax oil extraction in California could generate as much as $500 million a year that could be used to reverse or reduce the 10% cuts to Medi-Cal reimbursements.
Advocates Ask for Delay in Duals Project
Advocates for seniors and the disabled sent an “urgent request” to federal and state officials last week asking them to delay the start of California’s duals demonstration project.
Bills Introduced To Reverse, Study Effects of 10% Cut to Medi-Cal Providers
One bill introduced in the California Assembly yesterday seeks to reverse the state’s 10% reimbursement cut to Medi-Cal providers. A second bill proposes analyzing the cut’s effect on the health care system.
CalFresh New Path to Medi-Cal Enrollment
The state’s new “express lane” Medi-Cal enrollment effort through the CalFresh program has seen quick results, according to state officials.
State Officials, Advocates at Odds Over Size, Scope, Details of Duals Project
As the launch date for a pilot project to move roughly 400,000 senior and disabled dually eligible Californians into managed care plans approaches, state health officials are working on details with health plans, providers and beneficiaries.
Uninsured Project Buoyed by State’s Success in Expanding Medi-Cal
Instead of talking only about what they hope to accomplish, attendees at the annual Insure the Uninsured Project conference in Sacramento this week had a lot to celebrate.
Will This State Be the First To Expand Obamacare — and Then Take It Away?
About 100,000 residents of Arkansas have gotten coverage through the “private option,” a unique application of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion. But the program only runs through June, and Republicans — concerned by costs and emboldened by state legislative victories — are threatening to kill it after just six months.
Los Angeles Provider Groups Upset Over Opt-Out Forms for Duals Project
Two groups of Los Angeles County health care providers submitted a letter to state health officials outlining new concerns about the opt-out provision of the state’s duals demonstration project.
Legislators Question Duals Program Implementation at Oversight Hearing
At a joint legislative hearing yesterday, state health officials fielded a wide range of questions and concerns about the dual-eligibles demonstration project due to launch on April 1.
State Alters Rollout of Duals Project
The launch of the state’s duals demonstration project still is slated for April 1, but with some county-specific delays and a few changes in Los Angeles County.