Latest Morning Briefing Stories
Health Care Advocates Warn of ‘Dark Times’ for Latinos
Economic woes in California and across the nation make for a dim outlook for health care efforts for at least the next year, according to health care advocates in California. Recent research indicates that Latinos are at heightened risk of diabetes and face obstacles to care.
Dental Advocates Fear Dentist Exodus From Denti-Cal
California dentists are increasingly questioning their involvement in Denti-Cal, the state’s dental and oral care program for Medi-Cal recipients. Lower reimbursement rates are part of the problem, but dentists say the program’s uncertainty and mountains of paperwork also are factors.
Adult Day Health Care Centers Stretched Thin, Cuts or No Cuts
Even if Medi-Cal cuts are denied in court, statewide programs providing health care services for frail elderly and disabled people — especially programs in rural areas — might have a hard time making ends meet.
Governor’s Proposed Cuts May Hurt Entire System, Not Just Medi-Cal, Experts Fear
Officials for groups representing physicians and hospitals, and an advocate from the Western Center on Law and Poverty predict that Gov. Schwarzenegger’s proposed Medi-Cal cuts will have a negative impact on the state’s overall health care system.
Immigrants Hit Hard by Governor’s Planned Medi-Cal Cuts, Changes
In five months, Californians have moved from talking about major reforms that would bring affordable health care to almost everyone in the state to talking about deep cuts in the Medi-Cal program that could add 800,000 to the 6.7 million already without health insurance. Immigrants will be among the most affected, health advocates predict.
Holes Forming in Health Care Safety Net for California Children
Critics say changes proposed for two California programs providing health coverage for low-income children — Healthy Families and Medi-Cal — bode ill for “the most vulnerable population” in the state.
California’s Mental Health System May Be Headed for Crisis
Like many of the patients it serves, California’s county-based mental health system seems to operate on a cycle of coping and crisis. Indications are we’re headed into crisis mode. Three counties are threatening to drop out of the Medi-Cal mental health program, and several other counties are experiencing other mental health meltdowns.
Medicaid Contractions Inspire New State, National Opposition
Proposals to cut back Medicaid spending at the federal level and in California are galvanizing the opposition and inspiring dark predictions of physician flight and growing barriers to care for beneficiaries.
State Partnerships for Long-term Care Policies Under Fire
California health officials defend the state’s public-private partnership that urges people to buy long-term care insurance, but consumer advocates caution consumers to examine such policies carefully before taking the plunge.
Budget Cuts Could Further Limit Provider Pool for Denti-Cal Enrollees, Groups Say
Liz Snow of the California Dental Association and Carmela Castellano-Garcia of the California Primary Care Association discussed the governor’s proposed changes in the dental program for low-income Californians.